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“It’s All Connected.” Why They Believe in Conspiracy Theories and You Don’t

In the late 1700s, an English doctor named Edward Jenner created the very first vaccine. The medical community suspected at that time that dairy farmers and milkmaids who were exposed to a relatively minor virus called Cowpox might be immune to the similar, but much more severe and deadly, virus Smallpox. The accepted method of inoculation from smallpox at the time was to inject the patient with a controlled amount of smallpox and allow them to recover from the infection. It was risky and uncomfortable. Jenner believed that infecting the… Read More »“It’s All Connected.” Why They Believe in Conspiracy Theories and You Don’t

pregnant woman lying on her back while an ultrasound is being performed

10 Ways Pregnancy in Your 40s is Different Than in Your 20s

Guess what? When you experience a pregnancy in your 40s, it’s totally different than a pregnancy in your 20s! I realize that is a completely obvious statement, but when I went through pregnancy at 44, I didn’t know all the ways it would be different, and some were unexpected. When searching the question online, what I found was mostly a lot of ways that becoming pregnant is more difficult later in life. I was already pregnant so that was useless for me. So, here you go, all my greatest pregnant-old-lady… Read More »10 Ways Pregnancy in Your 40s is Different Than in Your 20s

dog on leash looking happy

Should You Adopt a Rescued Mill Dog? 6 Great Reasons to Say Yes

What’s a mill dog? Puppy mills are puppy breeding operations whose main goal is profit. They house a multitude of breeding animals and sell the resulting puppies online or to pet stores. These facilities are regulated very loosely and are not required to provide a good, or even decent, life for their breeding animals. The dogs are given little if any exercise, socialization, space, or medical care. A mill dog is a dog from one of these breeding operations. In this article, I am referring mainly to the puppy parents… Read More »Should You Adopt a Rescued Mill Dog? 6 Great Reasons to Say Yes

two elderly men arguing

Talk to a Friend About Their Conspiracy Theory Beliefs, and Keep the Friend!

It CAN be done! There’s a fire-breathing dragon in my garage. Carl Sagan proposed this thought experiment in a chapter of his book, The Demon Haunted World. It goes like this: I tell you a fire-breathing dragon lives in my garage. You are fascinated and skeptical. You ask to be shown. I bring you to my garage where I reveal…nothing. Oh, I forgot to tell you the dragon is invisible. You have an idea. Let’s spread flour on the floor so we can see the dragon’s footprints. I inform you… Read More »Talk to a Friend About Their Conspiracy Theory Beliefs, and Keep the Friend!

piggy bank

Advice on allowance: Be inconsistent.

Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I am about to offer up some advice on giving allowance to kids. Having raised two earning, saving, and yet generous and practical young people, I consider myself something of an authority. I’ve seen the situation go bad and I’ve experienced the pitfalls. I think I have some solid advice to offer. Judge for yourself. The traditional options Most allowance advocates will suggest one of three options – this Forbes article breaks it down. Chore-based:  Payment is based on chores completed. Chores… Read More »Advice on allowance: Be inconsistent.

five women holding their hands over their mouths

3 things you should never discuss in polite company: Politics, religion, and…

New Rule: Along with politics and religion, add science to the list of things you should never discuss in polite company. Or with family. Or with coworkers. Like the first two taboo talking points, it’s simply too volatile a subject. Really? Now, this doesn’t really make sense, right? Science isn’t a matter of opinion, it’s based on facts and data. Any conflict can be resolved by simply reviewing the data, evaluating sources, and establishing the consensus of experts in the field. Right? Not so much. At least, not anymore. Scientific… Read More »3 things you should never discuss in polite company: Politics, religion, and…

father and son argue on bench

Your teen doesn’t have a career plan? 5 surprising ways to help

 So, your teen doesn’t have a plan for their future? The surest way to effectively kill their career aspirations is by “parenting” them into a plan. If you don’t want to guide their every adult decision indefinitely, now is a good time to stop parental guidance. This young person is attempting to establish their future as an adult by selecting an education and career path. These are adult decisions. Guide them as fellow adults. First of all, it’s important to understand two things: They are not an extension of you,… Read More »Your teen doesn’t have a career plan? 5 surprising ways to help