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All Things Gen X

Breakfast Club movie scene. All main characters

Why is Generation X Called The Slacker Generation?

Generation X has had a lot of nicknames throughout their existence. Some of them, like The Latchkey Generation, are quite valid. But the nickname that has really stuck hard on Gen X is this one: Slacker. via GIPHY It’s hard to say exactly where the name came from, although many argue it comes from the Richard Linklater movie, Slacker, in which the aimlessness of young adults in the early 1990s is on full comedic display. [ Is the movie “Slacker” an accurate representation of Generation X? Check out my movie… Read More »Why is Generation X Called The Slacker Generation?

scene from movie Reality Bites

“Reality Bites”: A Movie Review by a Gen Xer Seeing It for the First Time

Warning: This review may contain spoilers. If you have not yet seen the film and wish to see it unspoiled, consider watching it before continuing. The Reality Bites Generation Marketed and widely known as a Generation X movie, Reality Bites serves more as a snapshot in time for a coming-of-age generation. As a later-born Gen Xer, I can’t claim it represents well the generation as a whole. Rather, it beautifully represents a moment in American time that only Generation X experienced in a unique way. For those who were in… Read More »“Reality Bites”: A Movie Review by a Gen Xer Seeing It for the First Time

picture of novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture

Generation X Work-Related Vocabulary Terms and Their Definitions – from Douglas Coupland

In his novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, Douglas Coupland defines the generation in a number of ways. In fact, his novel effectively renamed the generation formerly known as the Baby Bust Generation. Coupland, and many other scholars, saw a generation of young adults who viewed careers and the workforce in an entirely different way than older generations. The novel shares a wealth of new vocabulary words and their definitions, fitting of this group in early adulthood. Here are some of the work-related terms. McJob: A low-pay, low-prestige,… Read More »Generation X Work-Related Vocabulary Terms and Their Definitions – from Douglas Coupland

Stylized Generation X on pink and blue background

Generation X “-isms” and Their Definitions – from Douglas Coupland

Douglas Coupland’s seminal novel, Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture, is widely believed to be the inspiration for the name given to our generation – those of us born between 1965 and 1979. The novel is unique and truly groundbreaking, offering a brand-new perspective on the emerging culture. The book is complete with a list of original vocabulary, necessary for understanding the mindset of this young generation navigating a changing society. Below is a list of “-isms” presented in the book and their corresponding definitions. Consensus Terrorism: The process… Read More »Generation X “-isms” and Their Definitions – from Douglas Coupland

scene from Slacker movie, two men walking and talking

“Slacker” Movie Review:  A Gen X First-Time Reaction to the Film that Gave Its Name to The Slacker Generation

First, a quick disclaimer:  This review may contain spoilers – if a plotless film can be spoiled. If you have not seen the movie, read at your own risk. Since I keep an all-things-generation-x blog, how could I get away with never having seen the movie Slacker, the film that supposedly gave Gen X its nickname, The Slacker Generation? The following is a review of the movie and my impressions of how it reflects on the generation that received its moniker. Uniquely Styled The film is unique in that it… Read More »“Slacker” Movie Review:  A Gen X First-Time Reaction to the Film that Gave Its Name to The Slacker Generation

An upside down blue bucket and a red shovel on the sand

Bucket List Ideas for Generation X Only

Are you Generation X? Middle-aged, a little cynical, realistic, low in expectation, and a bit of a procrastinator? We are at the stage in our lives when, if we are ever going to write a bucket list, it’s now or never. But are we even a “bucket list” type of generation? I’m being a little cynical. Of course, we should have a bucket list! And that’s why I’ve generated this short list of ideas designed just for Gen X. It’s just a brainstorming exercise, think of it as a jumping-off… Read More »Bucket List Ideas for Generation X Only

Presidents Nixon, Reagan, Ford and Carter

We Need a Generation X President But We Aren’t Going to Get One

At the time of this writing, it’s early 2024 and we are barreling toward a rematch between Joe Biden and Donald Trump – the two oldest presidential nominees in the history of the United States. This is the second time Biden and Trump have been named the two oldest presidential nominees in U.S. history, so congrats to them on beating their own record? When I flip on or pull up the news, I hear most Americans crying out that these two candidates are too old for the job, and yet,… Read More »We Need a Generation X President But We Aren’t Going to Get One

Two black cats on a bookshelf

Generation X Bookends: Generation Jones to Xennials and the Gen X In Between

Not everyone puts much stock in generational research, and that makes sense. While some people fully relate to the stereotypes and lived experiences of the cohort they belong to, others don’t at all. This is particularly true for those born on the fringes of the generational range. Generational experiences exist on a continuum; those born in the early years of a generation will not necessarily have much in common with those born in the later years. And of course, there are those on the cusp, born in the years as… Read More »Generation X Bookends: Generation Jones to Xennials and the Gen X In Between

mother and daughter

Generation Z to Generation X Translation Guide

So you’re a Generation Xer. Old, but not totally old. Not, like, Boomer old. But, alas, gone are those bodacious days when you rocked the freshest slang. Gen Z is making you feel lame. Word. You are lame. Me too. Do you need some help figuring out what the kool kids are saying? I have prepared a quick reference Generation Z to Generation X translation guide. Use it wisely. With great power comes great responsibility. So don’t trip. Take a chill pill. You got this. Generation Z slang Generation X… Read More »Generation Z to Generation X Translation Guide

Stylized Generation X on pink and blue background

20 Haikus that only Generation X will understand

While Generation X is mostly ignored and forgotten in the wider world, we have unique experiences that connect us to each other. Here are 20 haikus that only Generation X will understand.  Some are cynical, some are funny, but all are guaranteed to bring on the nostalgia. What is a haiku? It’s a simple poem with a specific structure – 1st line, 5 syllables / 2nd line, 7 syllables / 3rd line, 5 syllables. It can be about anything and usually does not rhyme. Do you have a Gen X… Read More »20 Haikus that only Generation X will understand