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All Things Gen X

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20 Haikus that only Generation X will understand

While Generation X is mostly ignored and forgotten in the wider world, we have unique experiences that connect us to each other. Here are 20 haikus that only Generation X will understand.  Some are cynical, some are funny, but all are guaranteed to bring on the nostalgia. What is a haiku? It’s a simple poem with a specific structure – 1st line, 5 syllables / 2nd line, 7 syllables / 3rd line, 5 syllables. It can be about anything and usually does not rhyme. Do you have a Gen X… Read More »20 Haikus that only Generation X will understand

grizzly bear roaring angrily

Think you’re having a hellish week? Not like this guy.

Sometimes it helps to get a little perspective. Your boss is a jerk, your coworkers don’t pull their weight – while simultaneously talking down to you, like you aren’t the one doing all the heavy lifting around here – and you won’t get a day off until September. And the kids are jerks, it’s your spouse’s turn to make the grocery trip – so why are they shouting random grocery items at you like you should go AGAIN – and the car is too messy to hide and drink wine… Read More »Think you’re having a hellish week? Not like this guy.

a genie lamp with magical light coming from the spout

Why Generation X is uniquely equipped to make their dreams come true

Generation X always gets the shaft. Wedged between two generational monoliths, no one seems to care that we are around. Hate to break it to you, fellow Gen X’ers, we are not ever going to rule. There may be a short period of time when we are the largest voting population, but it won’t last long. The successful and optimistic Boomers are about to pass the torch to the savvy and bold Millennials, making them the culture-definers of the world. We will be skipped over like a salad at a… Read More »Why Generation X is uniquely equipped to make their dreams come true