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Home » 9 mantras to get the job you REALLY want (that actually work!)

9 mantras to get the job you REALLY want (that actually work!)

A silhouette of a person jumping in excitement in the sunset

I have been given jobs I was not qualified for.

I have received promotions I did not ask for. Not once or twice – but often.

I am grateful and pleased about the opportunities that have surfaced in my career journeys, but it isn’t luck.

How did I do it?

I often use mantras to focus on what I want, and I am certain this practice impacts the scope of my career opportunities.

I’m going to share with you the mantras that I use to manifest the jobs I want, so YOU can use them to get YOUR dream job.

(If you are about to dismiss this idea as hooey, skip down to the “Not convinced?” section. Then you can come back here.)

A close up of a woman in a business suit holds up a sign that says Enjoy Success.

Use a mantra to get a job….like…make something happen with my thoughts???

Most people will categorize this idea in one of three ways:

  • Metaphysics – physically use the power of the mind to create your reality.
  • Social Science – create a state of mind that exudes confidence and authority, thereby increasing opportunity.
  • Hogswallop – wishful thinking and the placebo effect.

Regardless of your view, a mantra will have some sort of positive effect.

One thing is certain: It cannot hurt.

So, let’s try it!

Maybe you have an interview lined up and really want an offer. Or maybe you just have a company or industry that you want to break into.

Read: 12 Famous People who successfully turned hobbies into careers late in life.

Maybe you only know what KIND of job you want, some list of characteristics – like flexible hours, good benefits, or travel.

The minute you decide to do what you love to do, you have made a life plan for yourself and a career choice

– Huda Kattan

For all of those scenarios, these mantras will work.

Mantras to obtain the job you want should come from three places.


You are grateful for your opportunities, and for your experience and education. You are grateful for your functioning mind and body that allow you to do the job. For the serendipity required to align your desire for your dream job with the need for that job to be done. For you to be in the right place at the right time.

Mantra #1:    “I am fortunate I found them. They are fortunate they found me.”

Mantra #2:    “My perfect job is looking for me. We will find each other.”

Mantra #3:   “I will learn so much. I will give so much.”

A business man in a suit listening to headphones. Probably listening to a mantra to get the job.


You are capable of succeeding in this job. You know what you want and you are meant to do this. You are confident you will learn what you need to and will do whatever it takes to figure it out. The fact that you want it, you REALLY want it, is enough to propel you to success. You got this.

Mantra #4:    “I am an asset. You need me.”

Mantra #5:    “I am meant to be here. I am more than capable.”

Mantra #6:    “My ideal job will find me.”


This job is part of your purpose. You will be a significant contributor to the organization. You passionately attach meaning and benefit to your work. This job makes you a more fulfilled and complete person and you make the company a more complete organization.

Mantra #7:    “I can’t wait to get started. I have so much to give.”

Mantra #8:    “I’m going to make such a difference. How did you get on without me?”

Mantra #9:    “I will find the gaps and fill them. I am a contributor.”

As with all mantras, it’s the mindset that is important rather than the words. Choose what works for you and tweak as you need to get the desired mindset.

The desired mindset says, “This is mine. All I need to do is receive it.”

Not convinced?

Though underdeveloped, there is some science to support the impact of mantras.

Mantras have their origin in Hinduism and Buddhism. In the western world, we typically consider a mantra to be a phrase repeated over and over.

But it’s not just an exercise to convince yourself something is true. Repeating the phrase, again and again, is intended to produce the desired effect – something like a meditative state.

Think of your brain as an electrical machine. Your thoughts trigger electrical impulses which oscillate. We call these oscillations brain waves. Thus, your thoughts are energy. Though we may not understand precisely how, brain waves can affect your physical reality with the principles of quantum physics. Read more in a Huffington Post article here.

Concentration on a particular phrase increases your brain’s gamma waves, impacting your mind and even your physiology. Gamma waves are the highest frequency brain waves we produce, and the higher the frequency of your brain waves, the more impact they can have on your brain and body functions. Yep, even WebMD says so.

Furthermore, repetition in your mind can allow words and phrases to seep into your subconscious. Your brain can repeat these words and produce their energy EVEN WHEN YOU ARE NOT THINKING ABOUT THEM.

How does the energy of thoughts affect your physical world? Well, most scientists will tell you it doesn’t. But I’ll leave you with this:

Guatama Buddha said, “All that we are is a result of what we have thought”.

Plato said, “Reality is created by the mind. We can change our reality by changing our mind”.

There is a lot more to discover about consciousness. I can’t wait to hear of new breakthroughs.

If you skipped to this section doubtingly, you can go back up now.

I am a serial career changer – I love to change careers. These mantras help me obtain and succeed in positions for which I have little or no prior experience. I have ultimate confidence in them.

If you are considering a midlife career change, READ HERE.

Give it a try. Because, as we said before, it can’t hurt.

Go get ‘em, Tiger.

If you have a mantra you like to use for career success, share it in the comments!

Read more about careers and careering like a boss HERE.

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