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I am always in search of contentment! I am not looking for wealth, fame or glory, just the simple, plain old good life. Maybe you are, too.

albert einstein

New research suggests gray hair can be reversed. But don’t cancel your hair appointment yet.

Years ago I worked as an accountant at a country club. Two coworkers of mine were husband and wife – she was the event planner and he was the restaurant manager. People snickered and gossiped about the age difference between them. She was a cougar! How much older than him is she?? The truth was that they were both about the same age. He happened to have a babyface, and she had a full head of (gorgeous) white hair. She had a supple, smooth, and youthful face, as well as… Read More »New research suggests gray hair can be reversed. But don’t cancel your hair appointment yet.

piggy bank

Advice on allowance: Be inconsistent.

Trust me, I know what I’m talking about. I am about to offer up some advice on giving allowance to kids. Having raised two earning, saving, and yet generous and practical young people, I consider myself something of an authority. I’ve seen the situation go bad and I’ve experienced the pitfalls. I think I have some solid advice to offer. Judge for yourself. The traditional options Most allowance advocates will suggest one of three options – this Forbes article breaks it down. Chore-based:  Payment is based on chores completed. Chores… Read More »Advice on allowance: Be inconsistent.

mid 20th century newsroom

Remember when the news was boring and it didn’t suck?

News is pretty fun these days. My SmartNews App shows me all the stories I want to see – I like to keep up on those wacky Q-Anon guys. Oh, and did you hear that some lady is claiming to be the secret queen of Canada? I really enjoy the stories of politicians getting in trouble. Or being made fun of…or both. Somehow, half of my newsfeed is Funny Tweets. Hilarious, but not news. I’ve never been so uninformed. News today sucks. I need to catch up with the world… Read More »Remember when the news was boring and it didn’t suck?

frosted donuts

The Office Donut Paradox

Ah, the office donut. The scourge of the office weight-watcher. It’s stressful, work. Stress creates a desire…no…a need, for the high-fat, calorie-dense, comfort treat. And there it is. Looking at me. Calling me. Promising me happiness. I know it lies. But I want to believe. It’s a magnificent trickster. I watch its illusions. And I’m confused. The office meeting Someone brought in donuts. I hate that. And they aren’t the grocery store brand either, it’s the good kind. Ugh. There are 8 of us in the meeting. We range in… Read More »The Office Donut Paradox

a genie lamp with magical light coming from the spout

Why Generation X is uniquely equipped to make their dreams come true

Generation X always gets the shaft. Wedged between two generational monoliths, no one seems to care that we are around. Hate to break it to you, fellow Gen X’ers, we are not ever going to rule. There may be a short period of time when we are the largest voting population, but it won’t last long. The successful and optimistic Boomers are about to pass the torch to the savvy and bold Millennials, making them the culture-definers of the world. We will be skipped over like a salad at a… Read More »Why Generation X is uniquely equipped to make their dreams come true

five women holding their hands over their mouths

3 things you should never discuss in polite company: Politics, religion, and…

New Rule: Along with politics and religion, add science to the list of things you should never discuss in polite company. Or with family. Or with coworkers. Like the first two taboo talking points, it’s simply too volatile a subject. Really? Now, this doesn’t really make sense, right? Science isn’t a matter of opinion, it’s based on facts and data. Any conflict can be resolved by simply reviewing the data, evaluating sources, and establishing the consensus of experts in the field. Right? Not so much. At least, not anymore. Scientific… Read More »3 things you should never discuss in polite company: Politics, religion, and…

a person making pottery on a wheel

12 famous people who successfully turned hobbies into careers late in life

Many people struggle with the idea of a career change after the age of 40, or even older. Is it too late to make the change? Nah, of course not! In fact, there are multiple reasons to take the plunge. But the notion of making a career out of your hobby, now, that’s just a fantasy. Right? Not so! Here are 12 people that turned their hobbies, or side passions, into their careers when they were just a little bit, maybe “long in the tooth” isn’t the most appropriate phrase,… Read More »12 famous people who successfully turned hobbies into careers late in life

two feet dangling in a pool

Considering a midlife career change? 4 reasons you absolutely have to do it

Are you thinking about making a major career change, even though you are approaching or over 40? Even in your 50’s or 60’s? Are you worried that you won’t succeed, that you won’t be able to support yourself? Does it feel too late? A midlife career change can feel risky and maybe you aren’t sure you should try to pull it off. So let me make it easy for you. Yes! Yes, you can! Yes, you must! It’s actually a really great idea. Here are 4 reasons a midlife career… Read More »Considering a midlife career change? 4 reasons you absolutely have to do it

hands on desk picking up pandemic emergency unemployment packet

Labor shortages post-pandemic: Unemployment benefits or Maslow’s Hierarchy?

Maybe current labor shortages have little to do with pandemic-era unemployment benefits. Maybe Maslow’s Hierarchy can explain. The labor shortages It’s tough to obtain needed labor right now. I have recently had difficulty trying to find needed labor for base-level manufacturing jobs. The company was paying $14-$16 per hour, and frankly, qualified people were simply uninterested. My overworked employees were asking me, “Can’t we hire some people? What about getting temp workers?” I told them what I believed to be true. Our wages are not competing with unemployment benefits right… Read More »Labor shortages post-pandemic: Unemployment benefits or Maslow’s Hierarchy?

father and son argue on bench

Your teen doesn’t have a career plan? 5 surprising ways to help

 So, your teen doesn’t have a plan for their future? The surest way to effectively kill their career aspirations is by “parenting” them into a plan. If you don’t want to guide their every adult decision indefinitely, now is a good time to stop parental guidance. This young person is attempting to establish their future as an adult by selecting an education and career path. These are adult decisions. Guide them as fellow adults. First of all, it’s important to understand two things: They are not an extension of you,… Read More »Your teen doesn’t have a career plan? 5 surprising ways to help